Rhino horn is highly sought after in China and Viet Nam, primarily as a symbol of wealth and status, and is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Unfortunately, poaching has become a threat in every country where rhinos reside, but South Africa, which is home to the majority of the world’s rhino population, has been especially targeted. In 2023, 499 rhinos were killed in the country, reflecting a continuing crisis, albeit poaching numbers have declined since their highest in 2014.

Indonesia’s rhinos are also under threat, with reports of up to 26 Javan rhinos being illegally killed between 2019 and 2023. Worryingly, this represents one third of the world’s entire Javan rhino population. Efforts to protect the Javan rhino continue, with increased patrols and community engagement aimed at preventing poaching and habitat loss.

Field programs are investing heavily in anti-poaching efforts at all levels to address these issues, making a difference on the ground as well as disrupting traffickers and criminals involved in the broad organized crime networks.

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