Rhinoceros sondaicus

The most endangered of all the rhino species is the Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus), with fewer than 80 individuals left Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. The Javan rhino is possibly the rarest mammal on earth, and was declared extinct in Vietnam in 2011.

Another name for the Javan rhino is the Lesser one-horned rhino and, although smaller than the Greater one-horned species, they share their affinity to water and spend a large part of each day wallowing in mud, keeping cool and protecting their skin from insects. They live mainly in forests where they are protected from the sun and have easy access to water.

Fun fact: There are no known salt licks in Ujung Kulon National Park as there are in parts of the Javan rhino’s former range, so the rhinos occasionally drink sea water to get much needed salts.

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